Vegetables (469)
(See all 469 items)
Cabbage (7)

Cooking Greens (34)

Fresh Beans (6)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)

Garlic (13)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)

Inflorescent Vegetables (10)

Mushrooms (44)

Onions (19)

Peas and Pods (6)

Roots (17)

Salad Greens (31)

Sea Vegetables (13)

Snap Beans (11)

Sprouts (12)

Stalk Vegetables (15)

Tubers & Corms (32)

Other Vegetables (9)
Accompaniments (272)
(See all 272 items)

Candied Fruit (14)
Condiments (102)
(See all 102 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (15)
Asian condiments (53)
European condiments (16)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (27)
Fruit preserves (29)

Olives (39)

Pickles (28)
Baked Goods (136)
Baking Supplies (21)
Dairy (260)
(See all 260 items)

Cheese (214)
(See all 214 items)

Blue Cheeses (22)

Firm Cheeses (21)

Fresh Cheeses (34)

Processed Cheeses (9)

Semi-Firm Cheeses (42)

Semi-Soft Cheeses (42)

Soft Cheeses (35)

Other Cheese Types (9)

Cultured Milk Products (17)

Eggs (10)
Milk & Cream (19)
Equipment (161)
(See all 161 items)

Baking Equipment (26)

Bar Equipment (6)
Bowls & Containers (14)
Cleaning Tools (8)

Cutting Tools (18)

Extracting & Straining Tools (22)

Mashing, Grating, Grinding & Mixing Tools (17)
Measuring Tools (7)
Outdoor Cooking Equipment (8)

Roasting Equipment (8)

Stovetop Equipment (14)

Other Equipment (13)
Fats & Oils (46)
Fish (193)
(See all 193 items)
Caviar & Roe (30)
Fatty, Firm-textured Fish (20)

Fatty, Flaky-textured Fish (27)

Lean, Firm-textured Fish (16)
Lean, Flaky-textured Fish (28)

Shellfish (51)

Smoked & Dried Fish (21)
Flavorings (733)
(See all 733 items)

Bitters (4)
Brandy (18)

Candied Foods (13)

Candy (16)

Chocolate (23)
Condiments (103)
(See all 103 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (13)
Asian condiments (54)
European condiments (18)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)
Extracts and Flavoring Oils (35)

Fortified Wine (8)
Fruit preserves (29)

Garlic (12)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)
Herb & Spice Mixes (55)
(See all 55 items)
African Herb & Spice Mixes (2)
American Herb & Spice Mixes (17)
Asian Herb & Spice Mixes (9)
European Herb & Spice Mixes (13)
Hispanic Herb & Spice Mixes (3)
Indian Herb & Spice Mixes (7)
Middle Eastern Herb & Spice Mixes (4)
Herbs (79)
(See all 79 items)
African Herbs (2)
American Herbs (3)
Asian Herbs (24)
European Herbs (30)
Global herbs (2)
Hispanic Herbs (12)
Indian Herbs (5)
Middle Eastern Herbs (1)
Juices (24)
Liqueurs (5)

Liquid sweeteners (36)
Nut & Seed Pastes (17)

Salt (20)

Seeds (14)
Spices (70)
(See all 70 items)
African Spices (4)
Asian Spices (6)
European Spices (9)
Global Spices (29)
Hispanic Spices (7)
Indian Spices (12)
Middle Eastern Spices (3)

Sugars (37)

Vinegars (30)
Wine (78)
Fruit (520)
(See all 520 items)
Berries (34)

Candied Fruit (14)
Citrus Fruit (26)

Common Tropical Fruit (12)

Dried Fruit (41)

Exotic Tropical Fruit (58)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)
Fruit preserves (29)
Juices (24)

Melons (21)

Pome Fruit (52)

Stone Fruit (15)
Table Grapes (11)
Grain Products (356)
(See all 356 items)

Asian Noodles (56)
(See all 56 items)

Asian Noodles (9)

Asian Rice Noodles (11)

Asian Wheat Noodles (22)

Other Asian Noodles (14)

Doughs (16)

Food Wrappers (23)

Nonwheat Flours (42)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)

Other Noodles (10)

Pasta (142)
(See all 142 items)
Fresh Pasta (6)

Pasta Ribbons (17)

Pasta Rods (12)
Pasta Shapes (29)

Pasta Tubes (24)

Soup Pasta (29)

Stuffed Pasta (11)
Other Pasta (14)

Thickeners (35)
Wheat Flours (18)
Grains (98)
(See all 98 items)

Barley (10)

Buckwheat (5)

Corn (8)

Grain Forms (9)

Kamut® Brand Wheat (3)

Oats (7)
Rice (31)

Rye (3)

Spelt (3)

Triticale (3)

Wheat (7)

Other Grains (9)
Legumes & Nuts (202)
(See all 202 items)

Bean Products (2)

Dried Peas (7)

Dry Beans (50)

Fresh Beans (6)

Lentils (20)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)
Nut Pastes (17)

Nuts (33)

Other Legumes (1)

Peas and Pods (6)
Snap Beans (11)
Soy Products (35)
Liquids (443)
(See all 443 items)
Alcohol (270)
(See all 270 items)

Beer (14)

Bitters (4)
Liqueurs (127)
(See all 127 items)

Anise-Flavored Liqueurs (13)

Bitter Liqueurs (11)

Chocolate Liqueurs (7)
Fruit Liqueurs (47)

Herbal Liqueurs (15)

Liqueurs (4)

Nut Liqueurs (9)

Other Liqueurs (21)
Liquors (43)
Wine (82)
Coffee (5)

Cultured Milk Products (16)
Juices (26)

Liquid Sweeteners (23)

Milk & Cream (19)
Non-dairy Milks & Creams (14)
Stocks, Broths & Gravies (23)
Tea (10)

Vinegars (31)

Waters & Sodas (6)
Meats (352)
(See all 352 items)

Beef (59)
(See all 59 items)

Beef Chuck (16)
Beef Loin Cuts (16)
Beef Rib Cuts (5)
Beef Round Cuts (11)
Breast & Flank Cuts (5)
Miscellaneous Cuts (6)

Cured Meats (142)

Dried Meats (9)

Game (21)

Lamb (21)
(See all 21 items)

Lamb Breast Cuts (3)
Lamb Leg Cuts (3)

Lamb Loin Cuts (5)

Lamb Rib Cuts (2)

Lamb Shoulder (4)

Miscellaneous Lamb Cuts (4)

Pork (29)
(See all 29 items)

Miscellaneous Pork Cuts (6)

Pork Leg Cuts (2)

Pork Loin Cuts (16)

Pork Picnic Cuts (2)

Pork Shoulder (2)

Pork Side Cuts (1)

Poultry (16)

Variety Meats (23)
Veal (24)
(See all 24 items)

Miscellaneous Veal Cuts (4)

Veal Breast Cuts (2)

Veal Leg Cuts (8)

Veal Loin Cuts (3)

Veal Rib Cuts (2)

Veal Shoulder Cuts (5)

Other Meats (8)
Miscellaneous (155)
(See all 155 items)
Caviar & Roe (29)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (29)

Leavens (6)
Miscellaneous (29)

Thickeners (29)
Vegetarian (50)
Cabbage Category
Cabbages have short, broad stems and leaves or flowers that form a compact head. They're loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and possibly cancer-fighting compounds to boot.
Inflorescent vegetables like broccoli and cooking greens like kale are also technically cabbages, but cooks use them differently, so they've been put into their own, separate categories.
Brussels sprouts
These look like small cabbages, and they're most often boiled or steamed and served as a side dish. They have a rather strong flavor, so it's best not to pair them with anything that's delicately flavored. They don't store well, so use them within a day or two after purchasing.
Learn morecabbage
Cabbage is a nutritional powerhouse that can be eaten raw, usually in slaws, or steamed, boiled, or sautéed. Choose heads that are unblemished, smallish, and heavy for their size. They're cheapest and best in the late fall, winter, and early spring. Store them uncut and unwashed, in a plastic bag in the crisper section of your refrigerator. Many varieties will remain fresh for several weeks. Varieties include green cabbage, which is what recipes often mean when they simply say "cabbage," red cabbage, napa cabbage, savoy cabbage, su choy, Brussels sprouts, and kohlrabi.
Learn moregreen cabbage
Cabbage is quite versatile. You can cut it into chunks, boil it, and serve it with corned beef or other fatty meats. You can also use cooked leaves as wrappers for meat fillings, or shred raw ones for cole slaw. Select heavy heads of cabbage that have shiny leaves.
Learn morenapa cabbage
Like bok choy, napa cabbage is a common ingredient in Asian stir-fries. It can also be used as a milder and more delicate alternative to green cabbage in slaws and other recipes
Learn morered cabbage
Red cabbage tastes just like green cabbage, so your choice between them depends largely on which color you prefer. One problem with red cabbage, though, is that the color tends to bleed and discolor surrounding foods. Select heavy heads of cabbage that have shiny leaves.
Learn moresavoy cabbage
Savoy cabbage is like ordinary cabbage, but with a milder flavor. It can often be used in place of green cabbage, and your dish will probably be the better for it.
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