Meats (352)
(See all 352 items)

Beef (59)
(See all 59 items)

Beef Chuck (16)
Beef Loin Cuts (16)
Beef Rib Cuts (5)
Beef Round Cuts (11)
Breast & Flank Cuts (5)
Miscellaneous Cuts (6)

Cured Meats (142)

Dried Meats (9)

Game (21)

Lamb (21)
(See all 21 items)

Lamb Breast Cuts (3)
Lamb Leg Cuts (3)

Lamb Loin Cuts (5)

Lamb Rib Cuts (2)

Lamb Shoulder (4)

Miscellaneous Lamb Cuts (4)

Pork (29)
(See all 29 items)

Miscellaneous Pork Cuts (6)

Pork Leg Cuts (2)

Pork Loin Cuts (16)

Pork Picnic Cuts (2)

Pork Shoulder (2)

Pork Side Cuts (1)

Poultry (16)

Variety Meats (23)
Veal (24)
(See all 24 items)

Miscellaneous Veal Cuts (4)

Veal Breast Cuts (2)

Veal Leg Cuts (8)

Veal Loin Cuts (3)

Veal Rib Cuts (2)

Veal Shoulder Cuts (5)

Other Meats (8)
Accompaniments (272)
(See all 272 items)

Candied Fruit (14)
Condiments (102)
(See all 102 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (15)
Asian condiments (53)
European condiments (16)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (27)
Fruit preserves (29)

Olives (39)

Pickles (28)
Baked Goods (136)
Baking Supplies (21)
Dairy (260)
(See all 260 items)

Cheese (214)
(See all 214 items)

Blue Cheeses (22)

Firm Cheeses (21)

Fresh Cheeses (34)

Processed Cheeses (9)

Semi-Firm Cheeses (42)

Semi-Soft Cheeses (42)

Soft Cheeses (35)

Other Cheese Types (9)

Cultured Milk Products (17)

Eggs (10)
Milk & Cream (19)
Equipment (161)
(See all 161 items)

Baking Equipment (26)

Bar Equipment (6)
Bowls & Containers (14)
Cleaning Tools (8)

Cutting Tools (18)

Extracting & Straining Tools (22)

Mashing, Grating, Grinding & Mixing Tools (17)
Measuring Tools (7)
Outdoor Cooking Equipment (8)

Roasting Equipment (8)

Stovetop Equipment (14)

Other Equipment (13)
Fats & Oils (46)
Fish (193)
(See all 193 items)
Caviar & Roe (30)
Fatty, Firm-textured Fish (20)

Fatty, Flaky-textured Fish (27)

Lean, Firm-textured Fish (16)
Lean, Flaky-textured Fish (28)

Shellfish (51)

Smoked & Dried Fish (21)
Flavorings (733)
(See all 733 items)

Bitters (4)
Brandy (18)

Candied Foods (13)

Candy (16)

Chocolate (23)
Condiments (103)
(See all 103 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (13)
Asian condiments (54)
European condiments (18)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)
Extracts and Flavoring Oils (35)

Fortified Wine (8)
Fruit preserves (29)

Garlic (12)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)
Herb & Spice Mixes (55)
(See all 55 items)
African Herb & Spice Mixes (2)
American Herb & Spice Mixes (17)
Asian Herb & Spice Mixes (9)
European Herb & Spice Mixes (13)
Hispanic Herb & Spice Mixes (3)
Indian Herb & Spice Mixes (7)
Middle Eastern Herb & Spice Mixes (4)
Herbs (79)
(See all 79 items)
African Herbs (2)
American Herbs (3)
Asian Herbs (24)
European Herbs (30)
Global herbs (2)
Hispanic Herbs (12)
Indian Herbs (5)
Middle Eastern Herbs (1)
Juices (24)
Liqueurs (5)

Liquid sweeteners (36)
Nut & Seed Pastes (17)

Salt (20)

Seeds (14)
Spices (70)
(See all 70 items)
African Spices (4)
Asian Spices (6)
European Spices (9)
Global Spices (29)
Hispanic Spices (7)
Indian Spices (12)
Middle Eastern Spices (3)

Sugars (37)

Vinegars (30)
Wine (78)
Fruit (520)
(See all 520 items)
Berries (34)

Candied Fruit (14)
Citrus Fruit (26)

Common Tropical Fruit (12)

Dried Fruit (41)

Exotic Tropical Fruit (58)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)
Fruit preserves (29)
Juices (24)

Melons (21)

Pome Fruit (52)

Stone Fruit (15)
Table Grapes (11)
Grain Products (356)
(See all 356 items)

Asian Noodles (56)
(See all 56 items)

Asian Noodles (9)

Asian Rice Noodles (11)

Asian Wheat Noodles (22)

Other Asian Noodles (14)

Doughs (16)

Food Wrappers (23)

Nonwheat Flours (42)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)

Other Noodles (10)

Pasta (142)
(See all 142 items)
Fresh Pasta (6)

Pasta Ribbons (17)

Pasta Rods (12)
Pasta Shapes (29)

Pasta Tubes (24)

Soup Pasta (29)

Stuffed Pasta (11)
Other Pasta (14)

Thickeners (35)
Wheat Flours (18)
Grains (98)
(See all 98 items)

Barley (10)

Buckwheat (5)

Corn (8)

Grain Forms (9)

Kamut® Brand Wheat (3)

Oats (7)
Rice (31)

Rye (3)

Spelt (3)

Triticale (3)

Wheat (7)

Other Grains (9)
Legumes & Nuts (202)
(See all 202 items)

Bean Products (2)

Dried Peas (7)

Dry Beans (50)

Fresh Beans (6)

Lentils (20)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)
Nut Pastes (17)

Nuts (33)

Other Legumes (1)

Peas and Pods (6)
Snap Beans (11)
Soy Products (35)
Liquids (443)
(See all 443 items)
Alcohol (270)
(See all 270 items)

Beer (14)

Bitters (4)
Liqueurs (127)
(See all 127 items)

Anise-Flavored Liqueurs (13)

Bitter Liqueurs (11)

Chocolate Liqueurs (7)
Fruit Liqueurs (47)

Herbal Liqueurs (15)

Liqueurs (4)

Nut Liqueurs (9)

Other Liqueurs (21)
Liquors (43)
Wine (82)
Coffee (5)

Cultured Milk Products (16)
Juices (26)

Liquid Sweeteners (23)

Milk & Cream (19)
Non-dairy Milks & Creams (14)
Stocks, Broths & Gravies (23)
Tea (10)

Vinegars (31)

Waters & Sodas (6)
Miscellaneous (155)
(See all 155 items)
Caviar & Roe (29)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (29)

Leavens (6)
Miscellaneous (29)

Thickeners (29)
Vegetables (469)
(See all 469 items)
Cabbage (7)

Cooking Greens (34)

Fresh Beans (6)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)

Garlic (13)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)

Inflorescent Vegetables (10)

Mushrooms (44)

Onions (19)

Peas and Pods (6)

Roots (17)

Salad Greens (31)

Sea Vegetables (13)

Snap Beans (11)

Sprouts (12)

Stalk Vegetables (15)

Tubers & Corms (32)

Other Vegetables (9)
Vegetarian (50)
Beef Chuck Category

The chuck section comes from the shoulder and neck of the beef, and it yields some of the most flavorful and economical cuts of meat. The downside is that these cuts tend to be tough and fatty, and they have more than their fair share of bone and gristle. It's usually best to cook them slowly in a liquid.
beef 7-bone pot roast
This is a tough cut of meat, so it's usually braised or cooked in liquid to tenderize it. A steak from this roast is called a 7-bone steak.
Learn morebeef 7-bone steak
This is an economical steak cut from a 7-bone pot roast. It's rather tough, so your best bet is to braise it. If you insist on grilling or broiling it, be sure to marinate it overnight to make it as tender as possible.
Learn morebeef arm roast
This is just a butcher's blade away from the shoulder roast, and the main difference between the two is that the arm roast has a round bone in it and is slightly more tender. You can use this for a pot roast, or cut it up for stew meat, but it's too tough to cook with dry heat. A steak cut from this roast is called an arm steak.
Learn morebeef arm steak
This is a steak cut from an arm roast. It's too tough to grill or broil, but it's very tasty if you braise it.
Learn morebeef chuck eye
This is one of the more tender cuts from the chuck section, so you can cook it in liquid or roast it in the oven. A steak cut from this roast is called a chuck eye steak.
Learn morebeef chuck eye steak
This steak isn't bad, considering it's a chuck steak. In fact, it's tender enough to grill or broil, provided that you marinate it overnight first.
Learn morebeef chuck steak
Chuck steaks comes from the neck and shoulder of the beef, and they tend to be chewy but flavorful and inexpensive. Most of them are too tough to grill, broil, or pan-fry--it's better to braise them or cut them up as stew meat. If you must grill one, make sure you marinate it overnight first.
Learn morebeef cross rib roast
If boneless, this is sometimes called an English roll. This makes a fine pot roast, but it's too tough to roast with dry heat.
Learn morebeef pot roast
These are economical roasts that are too tough to be oven roasted, but they become tender if cooked in a liquid for several hours. Several cuts work well as pot roasts, particularly the 7-bone pot roast, arm roast, blade roast, chuck eye, cross rib roast, shoulder roast, top blade pot roast, under blade pot roast, bottom round roast, eye round roast, and rump roast.
Learn morebeef shoulder roast
This boneless cut is located right behind the arm roast on the carcass. It's rather tough, so it's usually cooked in a liquid.
Learn morebeef shoulder steak
This makes for a fairly tough steak, but you can grill or broil it provided that you first marinate it overnight. It's even better braised.
Learn morebeef top blade pot roast
This is both literally and figuratively a cut above the tougher under blade pot roast. Meat from the top blade often is made into a pot roast, or cut up, marinated, and used for fajitas. A steak cut from the top blade pot roast is called a top blade steak.
Learn morebeef top blade steak
Though a lowly chuck steak, this cut is tender enough to grill, broil, or pan-fry, as long as you marinate it first. If you don't mind cutting around some gristle, this is an economical and flavorful steak. It's also great for making fajitas.
Learn morebeef under blade pot roast
his cut is tougher than a top blade pot roast, but it's flavorful and economical. It makes a fine pot roast, but it's too tough to roast with dry heat. A steak cut from this is called an under blade steak.
Learn morebeef under blade steak
This is a steak cut from an under blade roast. It's not tender enough to grill, broil, or fry, but it's quite flavorful if braised.
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