Vegetables (469)
(See all 469 items)
Cabbage (7)

Cooking Greens (34)

Fresh Beans (6)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)

Garlic (13)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)

Inflorescent Vegetables (10)

Mushrooms (44)

Onions (19)

Peas and Pods (6)

Roots (17)

Salad Greens (31)

Sea Vegetables (13)

Snap Beans (11)

Sprouts (12)

Stalk Vegetables (15)

Tubers & Corms (32)

Other Vegetables (9)
Accompaniments (272)
(See all 272 items)

Candied Fruit (14)
Condiments (102)
(See all 102 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (15)
Asian condiments (53)
European condiments (16)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (27)
Fruit preserves (29)

Olives (39)

Pickles (28)
Baked Goods (136)
Baking Supplies (21)
Dairy (260)
(See all 260 items)

Cheese (214)
(See all 214 items)

Blue Cheeses (22)

Firm Cheeses (21)

Fresh Cheeses (34)

Processed Cheeses (9)

Semi-Firm Cheeses (42)

Semi-Soft Cheeses (42)

Soft Cheeses (35)

Other Cheese Types (9)

Cultured Milk Products (17)

Eggs (10)
Milk & Cream (19)
Equipment (161)
(See all 161 items)

Baking Equipment (26)

Bar Equipment (6)
Bowls & Containers (14)
Cleaning Tools (8)

Cutting Tools (18)

Extracting & Straining Tools (22)

Mashing, Grating, Grinding & Mixing Tools (17)
Measuring Tools (7)
Outdoor Cooking Equipment (8)

Roasting Equipment (8)

Stovetop Equipment (14)

Other Equipment (13)
Fats & Oils (46)
Fish (193)
(See all 193 items)
Caviar & Roe (30)
Fatty, Firm-textured Fish (20)

Fatty, Flaky-textured Fish (27)

Lean, Firm-textured Fish (16)
Lean, Flaky-textured Fish (28)

Shellfish (51)

Smoked & Dried Fish (21)
Flavorings (733)
(See all 733 items)

Bitters (4)
Brandy (18)

Candied Foods (13)

Candy (16)

Chocolate (23)
Condiments (103)
(See all 103 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (13)
Asian condiments (54)
European condiments (18)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)
Extracts and Flavoring Oils (35)

Fortified Wine (8)
Fruit preserves (29)

Garlic (12)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)
Herb & Spice Mixes (55)
(See all 55 items)
African Herb & Spice Mixes (2)
American Herb & Spice Mixes (17)
Asian Herb & Spice Mixes (9)
European Herb & Spice Mixes (13)
Hispanic Herb & Spice Mixes (3)
Indian Herb & Spice Mixes (7)
Middle Eastern Herb & Spice Mixes (4)
Herbs (79)
(See all 79 items)
African Herbs (2)
American Herbs (3)
Asian Herbs (24)
European Herbs (30)
Global herbs (2)
Hispanic Herbs (12)
Indian Herbs (5)
Middle Eastern Herbs (1)
Juices (24)
Liqueurs (5)

Liquid sweeteners (36)
Nut & Seed Pastes (17)

Salt (20)

Seeds (14)
Spices (70)
(See all 70 items)
African Spices (4)
Asian Spices (6)
European Spices (9)
Global Spices (29)
Hispanic Spices (7)
Indian Spices (12)
Middle Eastern Spices (3)

Sugars (37)

Vinegars (30)
Wine (78)
Fruit (520)
(See all 520 items)
Berries (34)

Candied Fruit (14)
Citrus Fruit (26)

Common Tropical Fruit (12)

Dried Fruit (41)

Exotic Tropical Fruit (58)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)
Fruit preserves (29)
Juices (24)

Melons (21)

Pome Fruit (52)

Stone Fruit (15)
Table Grapes (11)
Grain Products (356)
(See all 356 items)

Asian Noodles (56)
(See all 56 items)

Asian Noodles (9)

Asian Rice Noodles (11)

Asian Wheat Noodles (22)

Other Asian Noodles (14)

Doughs (16)

Food Wrappers (23)

Nonwheat Flours (42)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)

Other Noodles (10)

Pasta (142)
(See all 142 items)
Fresh Pasta (6)

Pasta Ribbons (17)

Pasta Rods (12)
Pasta Shapes (29)

Pasta Tubes (24)

Soup Pasta (29)

Stuffed Pasta (11)
Other Pasta (14)

Thickeners (35)
Wheat Flours (18)
Grains (98)
(See all 98 items)

Barley (10)

Buckwheat (5)

Corn (8)

Grain Forms (9)

Kamut® Brand Wheat (3)

Oats (7)
Rice (31)

Rye (3)

Spelt (3)

Triticale (3)

Wheat (7)

Other Grains (9)
Legumes & Nuts (202)
(See all 202 items)

Bean Products (2)

Dried Peas (7)

Dry Beans (50)

Fresh Beans (6)

Lentils (20)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)
Nut Pastes (17)

Nuts (33)

Other Legumes (1)

Peas and Pods (6)
Snap Beans (11)
Soy Products (35)
Liquids (443)
(See all 443 items)
Alcohol (270)
(See all 270 items)

Beer (14)

Bitters (4)
Liqueurs (127)
(See all 127 items)

Anise-Flavored Liqueurs (13)

Bitter Liqueurs (11)

Chocolate Liqueurs (7)
Fruit Liqueurs (47)

Herbal Liqueurs (15)

Liqueurs (4)

Nut Liqueurs (9)

Other Liqueurs (21)
Liquors (43)
Wine (82)
Coffee (5)

Cultured Milk Products (16)
Juices (26)

Liquid Sweeteners (23)

Milk & Cream (19)
Non-dairy Milks & Creams (14)
Stocks, Broths & Gravies (23)
Tea (10)

Vinegars (31)

Waters & Sodas (6)
Meats (352)
(See all 352 items)

Beef (59)
(See all 59 items)

Beef Chuck (16)
Beef Loin Cuts (16)
Beef Rib Cuts (5)
Beef Round Cuts (11)
Breast & Flank Cuts (5)
Miscellaneous Cuts (6)

Cured Meats (142)

Dried Meats (9)

Game (21)

Lamb (21)
(See all 21 items)

Lamb Breast Cuts (3)
Lamb Leg Cuts (3)

Lamb Loin Cuts (5)

Lamb Rib Cuts (2)

Lamb Shoulder (4)

Miscellaneous Lamb Cuts (4)

Pork (29)
(See all 29 items)

Miscellaneous Pork Cuts (6)

Pork Leg Cuts (2)

Pork Loin Cuts (16)

Pork Picnic Cuts (2)

Pork Shoulder (2)

Pork Side Cuts (1)

Poultry (16)

Variety Meats (23)
Veal (24)
(See all 24 items)

Miscellaneous Veal Cuts (4)

Veal Breast Cuts (2)

Veal Leg Cuts (8)

Veal Loin Cuts (3)

Veal Rib Cuts (2)

Veal Shoulder Cuts (5)

Other Meats (8)
Miscellaneous (155)
(See all 155 items)
Caviar & Roe (29)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (29)

Leavens (6)
Miscellaneous (29)

Thickeners (29)
Vegetarian (50)
Sea Vegetables Category

Most of us unknowingly eat processed sea vegetables every day. Manufacturers use them as thickeners and stabilizers in such products as ice cream, instant pudding, whipped toppings, salad dressings, and even toothpaste.
Unprocessed sea vegetables, though, haven't caught on much outside of Asia. It's a shame, since they're dense with vitamins, minerals, and protein, yet low in calories. You can usually find plastic bags of dehydrated sea vegetables in health food stores, or in the Asian foods section of larger supermarkets. After rehydrating, chop them up and add them to salads, soups, stews, or stir-fries.
This popular seaweed is very sweet and mild, and it's loaded with iron, calcium, and iodine.
Learn moredulse
This is a salty seaweed, so it makes a great salt substitute in soups and stews. Some people eat it raw, like beef jerky. It's rich in iron.
Learn morehijiki
Hijiki has a mild flavor, so it's a good choice if you want to slip a sea vegetable unobtrusively into your soups and stews in order to fortify them with calcium, iron, and other nutrients. When rehydrated, it roughly quadruples in size, so a little goes a long way.
Learn morekonbu
Like other sea vegetables, konbu is rich in minerals. It's very popular in Japan, where it's used to flavor dashi, a soup stock. Konbu is usually sold dried, in strips or sheets. Choose konbu that's very dark, almost black, and don't wipe off the white residue that often appears on the surface; it's very flavorful.
Learn morelaver
This protein-rich seaweed is popular in Britain and Japan. To rehydrate, soak it in water for about an hour, then add it to soups and salads. Laver is sometimes called nori, but that name is more commonly used for the dark sheets that the Japanese use to wrap sushi, which are made from the same plant.
Learn moresalted seaweed
Nama wakame is Japanese for "raw seaweed." Look for bags of this heavily salted seaweed in Japanese or Korean markets.
Learn moresea grapes
Sea grapes small stalks of green seaweed with grape like balls popular in Asia. They are usually eaten raw and taste like the sea. Sea grapes add a umami flavor to dishes.
Learn moresea moss
Sea moss is a type of frilly seaweed that grows in tidepools. Sea moss grows in a variety of colors and It can be eaten on its own or used as a thickener. It is often sold as a gel. Many people believe sea moss has medicinal qualities.
Learn moreSea Vegetables
Most of us unknowingly eat processed sea vegetables every day. Manufacturers use them as thickeners and stabilizers in such products as ice cream, instant pudding, whipped toppings, salad dressings, and even toothpaste. But unprocessed sea vegetables haven't caught on much outside of Asia. It's a shame, since they're dense with vitamins, minerals, and protein, yet low in calories. You can usually find plastic bags of dehydrated sea vegetables in health food stores, or in the Asian foods section of larger supermarkets. After rehydrating, chop them up and add them to salads, soups, stews, or stir-fries
Learn moresushi nori
These thin dark sheets are used to make sushi. They're usually a dark purplish-black, but they turn green and acquire a pleasant, nutty flavor when toasted. You can make your own toasted nori sheets by passing nori sheets over a flame a few times. Yaki means cooked in Japanese, so pretoasted nori sheets are labeled yaki-nori or yaki sushi nori. Look for toasted and untoasted sushi nori in the Asian foods section of large supermarkets. The name nori is also used for laver, the plant that sushi nori is made from. Unlike sushi nori, laver should be rehydrated before use. If you can't find sushi nori, one option is to make sushi without a wrapper. It helps to use plastic wrap to shape the roll.
Learn moreWakame
This has a sweet flavor, and it's rich in calcium. It's often rehydrated and then added to miso soup or sautéed as a side dish. Dry wakame can also be toasted and crumbled over salads and other dishes. It's very high in calcium.
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