Shellfish Category


Shellfish include crustaceans (crabs and shrimp), mollusks (clams) and cephalopods (octopuses and squid).

shrimp, prawn
There are many different species of shrimp, but generally speaking, the larger the shrimp, the tastier. In the US and Britain, large shrimp are called prawns; in India, all shrimp are prawns. Bay shrimp are very small. You can buy shrimp raw (sometimes called green), or cooked. Don't buy cooked shrimp if you plan to serve it warm--they turns rubbery when reheated. Unopened canned shrimp can be stored for up to a year in a dry, cool place. Once opened, it will keep for up to two days if you wrap it well and refrigerate it
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snow crab, queen crab, rock crab, spider crab, tanner crab
snow crab
This is an East Coast version of the king crab.
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soft-shell clam, Essex clams, Ipswich clams, piss clams, sand gaper, steamer
soft-shell clam
steamer Includes: Highly regarded Maine steamers and Long Island steamers, and less esteemed Maryland steamers.
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stone crab, moro crab, morro crab
stone crab
This is found on the East Coast, especially in Florida. Just the claws are harvested. Substitutes: claws of blue crabs
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surimi, crab sticks, imitation seafood, sea legs, seafood sticks
Imitation crab meat. It is normally made from processed fish meat.
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