Inflorescent Vegetables Category

Inflorescent = inflorescence vegetables are the edible flowering parts of plants. This category includes artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower, and cardoon.
Artichokes are the unopened flowers and stems of a kind of thistle. You cook them, then peel off and eat the bases of the thick green petals (called leaves). At the center is the heart, the choicest portion of the artichoke, covered by the choke, a hairy pad that should be peeled off and discarded. Their peak season is early summer.
Learn morebanana blossom
These are popular in Southeast Asia and India, where they're boiled in water or coconut milk, then eaten like artichokes
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Broccoli is tasty, good for you, and easy to cook. The florets can be steamed or boiled and served as a side dish, or served raw on a crudité platter, or stir-fried. The stems are good, too, but you should peel them first and cook them a little longer. Select broccoli that's dark green and fresh smelling.
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This is similar to broccoli, but its florets resemble pine cones. It's especially good raw.
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Broccolini results from a cross between broccoli and Chinese broccoli. The slender stems resemble asparagus in flavor and texture.
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This vegetable is very likely an early ancestor of the artichoke. Its large, grayish-green stalks are somewhat bitter, but they remain popular in Italy and North Africa. You can find them in large produce markets in late fall.
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Cauliflower florets often wind up in soups, or as a side dish smothered with a cheese sauce, or served raw on a crudité platter. Select heads that are heavy for their size.
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