All Ingredients

onion sprouts
onion sprouts
These have a distinct onion flavor.
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Onza roja chili
Onza roja chili
These are used in sauces and soups. They're hot.
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opal basil, dark opal basil
opal basil
Opal basil has purple leaves and a longer shelf life than sweet basil, but the two can be used interchangeably in most recipes.
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opo squash, cucuzza, long squash, bottle gourd, calabash, New Guinea bean
opo squash
This is a mild squash, similar to zucchini.
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orange, sweet orange
Most American oranges are produced in Florida and California. Florida oranges are juicier, and better suited to squeezing, while California oranges segment more easily and are better for eating out of hand. The best oranges are smaller, thin-skinned, and heavy for their size.
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orange bitters
orange bitters
Orange bitters is made from sour orange peels. Popular brands include Angostura and Fee. A dash or two will perk up your martini, barbecue sauce, chocolate dessert, and seafood.
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orange extract
orange extract
This is often used to make frostings, cakes, and liqueurs.
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orange flower water, orange blossom water, zhaar
orange flower water
This is distilled from bitter orange blossoms, and it's used to flavor drinks, salads, and desserts. Look for it in Middle Eastern markets and specialty shops.
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orange liqueur
orange liqueur
The best (and driest) is Grand Marnier, followed by Cointreau, curaçao, and--the sweetest of them all--triple sec.
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orange marmalade, marmalade, Orange
orange marmalade
This is made by boiling the fruit and peel of oranges with sugar, pectin, and water. It manages to be bitter, sour, and sweet all at once, which many people find delightful.
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These "little ears" are pieces of Italian pasta shaped like tiny ears or bowls.
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oregano, pot marjoram, wild marjoram
Oregano is a popular herb in Mediterranean countries, where it's often used to season tomato sauces, meat dishes, and pizzas. Mexican oregano has a mintier taste than ordinary oregano. If you can't find it fresh, dried oregano is a good substitute.
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Oreo® cookie
Oreo® cookie
These cookies have a creamy vanilla filling sandwiched between two chocolate wafers. They're addictive all by themselves, but cooks also crush them and use them to make pie crusts or ice cream toppings.
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orgeat, almond syrup, orzata
This sweet almond-flavored syrup is used in many mixed drinks. Look for it in liquor stores. To make your own: See the Almond Syrup recipe on the ichef website.
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ormer, green ormer
This is a variety of abalone found in the Mediterain and North Atlantic.
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orzo, rosa marina, rosamarina
This pasta is shaped like grains of barley. It's often used as a bed for sauces or in soups.
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Ossau-Iraty cheese, Ossau-Iraty-Brebis-Pyrenees
Ossau-Iraty cheese
This little-known Basque cheese is made from raw sheep's milk, and it's creamy, nutty, and mellow.
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ossetra caviar, asetra caviar, ocietra caviar, oscietre caviar
ossetra caviar
In recent years, over-fishing in the Caspian Sea has greatly depleted sturgeon populations. Please consider using caviar and roe from more abundant species until the Caspian Sea sturgeon populations can recover. Ossetra caviar is brown and more strongly flavored than beluga caviar. Don't confuse ordinary ossetra with the rare and expensive golden ossetra = imperial caviar. If substituting an inferior caviar, consider perking it up with a splash of fresh lemon juice. For substitutions for caviar in general, click here.
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Ostrich looks and tastes like a cross between beef and chicken, and it's relatively low in fat.
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Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, starberry, star gooseberry, cheremai
Otaheite gooseberry
This tart fruit looks and tastes like a gooseberry.
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This potent, anise-flavored Greek liqueur is usually mixed into water, turning it cloudy.
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The French like to serve these raw in the shell, with just a squirt of fresh lemon juice, but they can also be fried, grilled, or gently poached. If you eat them raw, you'll need to shuck them first; an oyster knife comes in handy for this. Storage: Unopened canned oysters can be stored for up to a year in a dry, cool place. Once opened, it will keep for up to two days if you wrap it well and refrigerate it.
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oyster liquor
oyster liquor
This is the natural liquid that is found inside of raw oysters.
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oyster mushroom, abalone mushroom, pleurotte, pleurotus mushroom
oyster mushroom
Oyster mushrooms are prized for their smooth texture and subtle, oyster-like flavor. They can also be grown commercially, so they're widely available and fairly inexpensive.
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oyster plant
oyster plant
These hard to find and expensive leaves taste a little like oysters. Oyster plants are low growing perennial herb in the borage family.
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oyster sauce
oyster sauce
This Cantonese dipping sauce is both sweet and salty. Look for bottles of it in Asian markets and large supermarkets.
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These large pasta tubes are about an inch in diameter. They collapse after they're cooked, trapping sauces within.
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paddlefish roe, grey pearl caviar
paddlefish roe
Paddlefish swim in Southern rivers and they're relatives of sturgeons--the fish that produce the world's most expensive and exquisite caviars. Paddlefish roe is very similar to sevruga caviar, only it's cheaper. Since Caspian Sea sturgeon are rapidly becoming depleted from over-fishing, many people are turning to paddlefish roe as a substitute for caviar.
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This soft Italian cow's milk cheese resembles Brie and Camembert. Use it within a few days after purchasing. For best flavor, serve at room temperature.
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pale ale, amber ale
pale ale
These golden brown ales are somewhat bitter and fruity.
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palillo, Peruvian ground turmeric
This is ground turmeric.
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palm leaf, palmier
palm leaf
These crunchy cookies are made with puff pastry and sugar.
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palm oil, dende oil
palm oil
This bright orange palm oil is a staple in Brazilian cuisine, but very high in saturated fat
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palm sugar, coconut sugar, Java sugar
palm sugar
Look for this is Indian or Asian markets. It should crumble when you squeeze it.
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palm syrup
palm syrup
To make your own: melt palm sugar, then strain.
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palm vinegar, toddy vinegar
palm vinegar
This cloudy white vinegar is popular in the Philippines. It's milder than wine or cider vinegars.
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pancake syrup, maple-flavored syrup
pancake syrup
This is the inexpensive version of maple syrup that Americans love to pour on pancakes and waffles. It's usually based on corn syrup, and flavored either with artificial flavoring or real maple syrup. To make your own: See the recipe for Mock Maple Syrup on RecipeSource.
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pancetta, Italian bacon
Pancetta is the Italian counterpart to our bacon. It's cured, but not smoked, and it's often used to give a subtle salty flavor to pasta sauces. Deli counters often carry cylinders of it, and slice it to order.
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panch phoron, five spice, panch pharon, panchphoran
panch phoron
This is a Bengali spice mix that combines aniseed, cumin, fenugreek, mustard and nigella. Don't confuse it with Chinese five spice powder, which is completely different.
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pancit Canton, flour sticks, pancit mian
pancit Canton
These dried yellow Filipino noodles are used to make a dish called pancit. They're made with wheat flour, coconut oil, and yellow food coloring.
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