Dairy (260)
(See all 260 items)

Cheese (214)
(See all 214 items)

Blue Cheeses (22)

Firm Cheeses (21)

Fresh Cheeses (34)

Processed Cheeses (9)

Semi-Firm Cheeses (42)

Semi-Soft Cheeses (42)

Soft Cheeses (35)

Other Cheese Types (9)

Cultured Milk Products (17)

Eggs (10)
Milk & Cream (19)
Accompaniments (272)
(See all 272 items)

Candied Fruit (14)
Condiments (102)
(See all 102 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (15)
Asian condiments (53)
European condiments (16)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (27)
Fruit preserves (29)

Olives (39)

Pickles (28)
Baked Goods (136)
Baking Supplies (21)
Equipment (161)
(See all 161 items)

Baking Equipment (26)

Bar Equipment (6)
Bowls & Containers (14)
Cleaning Tools (8)

Cutting Tools (18)

Extracting & Straining Tools (22)

Mashing, Grating, Grinding & Mixing Tools (17)
Measuring Tools (7)
Outdoor Cooking Equipment (8)

Roasting Equipment (8)

Stovetop Equipment (14)

Other Equipment (13)
Fats & Oils (46)
Fish (193)
(See all 193 items)
Caviar & Roe (30)
Fatty, Firm-textured Fish (20)

Fatty, Flaky-textured Fish (27)

Lean, Firm-textured Fish (16)
Lean, Flaky-textured Fish (28)

Shellfish (51)

Smoked & Dried Fish (21)
Flavorings (733)
(See all 733 items)

Bitters (4)
Brandy (18)

Candied Foods (13)

Candy (16)

Chocolate (23)
Condiments (103)
(See all 103 items)
African condiments (3)
American condiments (13)
Asian condiments (54)
European condiments (18)
Hispanic condiments (12)
Indian condiments (2)
Middle Eastern condiments (1)
Extracts and Flavoring Oils (35)

Fortified Wine (8)
Fruit preserves (29)

Garlic (12)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)
Herb & Spice Mixes (55)
(See all 55 items)
African Herb & Spice Mixes (2)
American Herb & Spice Mixes (17)
Asian Herb & Spice Mixes (9)
European Herb & Spice Mixes (13)
Hispanic Herb & Spice Mixes (3)
Indian Herb & Spice Mixes (7)
Middle Eastern Herb & Spice Mixes (4)
Herbs (79)
(See all 79 items)
African Herbs (2)
American Herbs (3)
Asian Herbs (24)
European Herbs (30)
Global herbs (2)
Hispanic Herbs (12)
Indian Herbs (5)
Middle Eastern Herbs (1)
Juices (24)
Liqueurs (5)

Liquid sweeteners (36)
Nut & Seed Pastes (17)

Salt (20)

Seeds (14)
Spices (70)
(See all 70 items)
African Spices (4)
Asian Spices (6)
European Spices (9)
Global Spices (29)
Hispanic Spices (7)
Indian Spices (12)
Middle Eastern Spices (3)

Sugars (37)

Vinegars (30)
Wine (78)
Fruit (520)
(See all 520 items)
Berries (34)

Candied Fruit (14)
Citrus Fruit (26)

Common Tropical Fruit (12)

Dried Fruit (41)

Exotic Tropical Fruit (58)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)
Fruit preserves (29)
Juices (24)

Melons (21)

Pome Fruit (52)

Stone Fruit (15)
Table Grapes (11)
Grain Products (356)
(See all 356 items)

Asian Noodles (56)
(See all 56 items)

Asian Noodles (9)

Asian Rice Noodles (11)

Asian Wheat Noodles (22)

Other Asian Noodles (14)

Doughs (16)

Food Wrappers (23)

Nonwheat Flours (42)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)

Other Noodles (10)

Pasta (142)
(See all 142 items)
Fresh Pasta (6)

Pasta Ribbons (17)

Pasta Rods (12)
Pasta Shapes (29)

Pasta Tubes (24)

Soup Pasta (29)

Stuffed Pasta (11)
Other Pasta (14)

Thickeners (35)
Wheat Flours (18)
Grains (98)
(See all 98 items)

Barley (10)

Buckwheat (5)

Corn (8)

Grain Forms (9)

Kamut® Brand Wheat (3)

Oats (7)
Rice (31)

Rye (3)

Spelt (3)

Triticale (3)

Wheat (7)

Other Grains (9)
Legumes & Nuts (202)
(See all 202 items)

Bean Products (2)

Dried Peas (7)

Dry Beans (50)

Fresh Beans (6)

Lentils (20)

Nut Flours & Meals (14)
Nut Pastes (17)

Nuts (33)

Other Legumes (1)

Peas and Pods (6)
Snap Beans (11)
Soy Products (35)
Liquids (443)
(See all 443 items)
Alcohol (270)
(See all 270 items)

Beer (14)

Bitters (4)
Liqueurs (127)
(See all 127 items)

Anise-Flavored Liqueurs (13)

Bitter Liqueurs (11)

Chocolate Liqueurs (7)
Fruit Liqueurs (47)

Herbal Liqueurs (15)

Liqueurs (4)

Nut Liqueurs (9)

Other Liqueurs (21)
Liquors (43)
Wine (82)
Coffee (5)

Cultured Milk Products (16)
Juices (26)

Liquid Sweeteners (23)

Milk & Cream (19)
Non-dairy Milks & Creams (14)
Stocks, Broths & Gravies (23)
Tea (10)

Vinegars (31)

Waters & Sodas (6)
Meats (352)
(See all 352 items)

Beef (59)
(See all 59 items)

Beef Chuck (16)
Beef Loin Cuts (16)
Beef Rib Cuts (5)
Beef Round Cuts (11)
Breast & Flank Cuts (5)
Miscellaneous Cuts (6)

Cured Meats (142)

Dried Meats (9)

Game (21)

Lamb (21)
(See all 21 items)

Lamb Breast Cuts (3)
Lamb Leg Cuts (3)

Lamb Loin Cuts (5)

Lamb Rib Cuts (2)

Lamb Shoulder (4)

Miscellaneous Lamb Cuts (4)

Pork (29)
(See all 29 items)

Miscellaneous Pork Cuts (6)

Pork Leg Cuts (2)

Pork Loin Cuts (16)

Pork Picnic Cuts (2)

Pork Shoulder (2)

Pork Side Cuts (1)

Poultry (16)

Variety Meats (23)
Veal (24)
(See all 24 items)

Miscellaneous Veal Cuts (4)

Veal Breast Cuts (2)

Veal Leg Cuts (8)

Veal Loin Cuts (3)

Veal Rib Cuts (2)

Veal Shoulder Cuts (5)

Other Meats (8)
Miscellaneous (155)
(See all 155 items)
Caviar & Roe (29)

Edible Flowers (33)

Food Wrappers (29)

Leavens (6)
Miscellaneous (29)

Thickeners (29)
Vegetables (469)
(See all 469 items)
Cabbage (7)

Cooking Greens (34)

Fresh Beans (6)

Fruit Vegetables (183)
(See all 183 items)

Asian Squash (8)

Avocados (7)

Cucumbers (10)

Dried Chili Peppers (27)

Eggplants (20)

Fresh Chili Peppers (29)

Olives (38)

Summer Squash (12)

Sweet Peppers (8)

Tomatoes (8)

Winter Squash (16)

Garlic (13)

Ginger & Other Rhizomes (7)

Inflorescent Vegetables (10)

Mushrooms (44)

Onions (19)

Peas and Pods (6)

Roots (17)

Salad Greens (31)

Sea Vegetables (13)

Snap Beans (11)

Sprouts (12)

Stalk Vegetables (15)

Tubers & Corms (32)

Other Vegetables (9)
Vegetarian (50)
Cultured Milk Products Category

Cultured dairy products have been fermented with live bacteria, which releases sour-tasting lactic acid. Since the bacteria breaks down milk proteins, cultured dairy products are easier to digest.
Despite its name and creamy consistency, buttermilk is relatively low in fat. It's sometimes tolerated by people with lactose intolerance since some of the lactose is fermented by bacteria. Most of the buttermilk found in supermarkets is cultured buttermilk, made by adding a bacterial culture to low-fat or nonfat milk. More authentic and tasty, though, is churn buttermilk, which is the liquid that remains after milk is churned into butter. Since recipes often call for just small amounts of buttermilk, many cooks use reconstituted powdered buttermilk. Churn buttermilk may require longer baking times than ordinary commercial buttermilk.
Learn morecrema
Cremas are the Hispanic version of sour cream. This category includes crema mexicana, which is similar to crème fraîche; crema centroamericana, which is a bit thicker and sweeter than crema mexicana; crema media, which is like whipping cream; crema Mexicana agria, which is thicker and more acidic than crema Mexicana and often used for savory dishes; and crema salvadoreña, which is thick like sour cream. Look for it in Mexican and Central American grocery stores.
Learn morecréme fraîche
This slightly sour thick cream doesn't curdle when it's heated, so it's ideal for making cream sauces. It's also used for appetizers and as a dessert topping. To make your own: Warm one cup heavy cream to about 100°, then add one or two tablespoons of sour cream, cultured buttermilk, or plain yogurt (make sure you buy a brand that contains active cultures). Allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for at least nine hours before refrigerating.
Learn morekefir
Kefir is like a thin, drinkable yogurt. It was originally made in Turkey out of camel's milk. It comes plain or flavored.
Learn morekumiss
Like kefir, kumiss is a beverage made from milk cultured with bacteria. Asian nomads originally made it with the milk of camels or mares, but commercial producers now use cow's milk.
Learn moreprostokvasha
Postokvasha is a thick sour milk popular in Russia. It is similar to yogurt or kefir.
Learn morequrut
Reconstituted dry qurut is an acceptable substitute for fresh. Where to find it: Middle Eastern markets.
Learn moresmetana
This is very hard to find in the United States, but some Eastern European markets carry it.
Learn moreyogurt
This is milk that's cultured with bacteria to make it thick and tangy. Ready-made yogurts are made from whole milk (with up to 4% butterfat), lowfat milk (with up to 2% butterfat), and skim milk (with up to .5% butterfat). Health buffs prefer brands that contain active cultures, which help keep their intestines populated with friendly bacteria. Many brands are heat-treated to destroy these cultures and increase shelf life. Yogurt often comes with added flavorings and thickeners. Flavored yogurts are made with artificial sweeteners to reduce calories. Lactaid makes a lactose-reduced yogurt, but many people with lactose intolerance can tolerate ordinary yogurt, especially brands that contains active yogurt cultures. Larger markets also carry yogurt made from soy milk and goat's milk, but these don't work well in delicate desserts. Organic yogurts also are available.
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