Veal Loin Cuts Category

Veal Loin Cuts
The most buttery cuts of all come from the loin, but you'll pay dearly for them.
veal kidney chop
veal kidney chop
This chop is assembled from a veal loin chop and part of a veal kidney that's surrounded by fat. The tail of the loin chop is wrapped around the kidney to form a tight package. It makes a very tasty steak.
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veal loin chop
veal loin chop
This is the veal counterpart to a Porterhouse or T-bone steak. It's cut from a veal loin roast. Loin chops are usually braised or pan-fried.
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veal loin roast, rolled loin roast of veal
veal loin roast
This is a magnificent roast, but it's very expensive. If you get it boned, rolled, and tied, it's called a rolled loin roast of veal.
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